Fred the Robot
Minds & Machines Final Project

Week 1:
After determining we know very little about Legos, we spent approximately half the time putting random pieces together. The first attempt prototype was created, shown below. Also done this week was determining which person would concentrate on which aspect. Max and Jackie began website and robot building while David and Kathie split programming duties
Week 2:
Continuing the building, we developed reasons as to where the sensors need to be placed. It was determined that they must be close to the ground, and pointed towards it, in order to detect the difference between white and black. One sensor on either side is purposeful, for instance if the right sensor detects the line, but the let does not, then the robot is turning right. If the left sensor sees the line and the right does not, then it is turning left. Finally, if both sensors detect the line, then the robot is moving straight.
Week 3:
Bram has commented on the small size of our robot, yet it has all the parts it needs to, thus proving that bigger is not always better. Programming wise, it was determined that the distance the robot travels in one wheel rotation is solved by geometry. So, how much distance to cover each time was calculated. Also, the algorithm to remember the path is continuing to be worked on.
Week 4:
The robot has officially been named Fred. At the beginning of class, Bram challenged David to program Fred to complete a figure eight. The algorithm to compile the memory has been finished by Kathie. This algorithm includes remembering which squares are "safe" by receiving the signals from the Wumpus and black holes and then constructs the correct pathway to reach the treasure. However, this is not testable until it correctly moves in the way wanted. David began testing Fred on the board. It can turn left and right and go straight; however, it does not go backwards, but turns 180 and then continues. A problem arose since one wheel spins faster than the other. Parts of the program are being tested to determine where the problem arises. The two back wheels were switched with one ball bearing,since it was determined that the two wheels were the cause of the inconsistent movement and not going straight. Kathie began programming the sensor receiving the signal, and Fred being able to store the memory of where the location is. Max finished the analysis of whether Fred has a mind.
Week 5:
Kathie and David's codes have been shmushed together. Now the testing begin in order to finalize the robots movements. Fred can complete a boxy figure 8, correctly moving from one square to the next. The testing is going well.
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