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Fred the Robot
Minds & Machines Final Project

Compared to SaggyBoi
It was able to correct itself when not straight better than Fred could
It maneuvered around both pits well, while Fred only avoided one
Ran off the board similar to Fred, yet this occurred for Saggyboi when it was near the Wumpus and for Fred at the beginning
Compared to Robot(Chinese)
Since Robot(Chinese) had every input as 1 rather than the points, it could not recognize when it was near the Wumpus or a pit, whereas Fred took in the point value
Every time it moved, it turned upwards, so it would know where it was in relation to the rest of the board, causing it to not run off the board as much Fred had
Compared to Dataless
The code for Dataless did not work at the time, so there is insufficient data to compare the performance​
Things that went wrong
Fred went off the board
Fred believed it was in a certain square when it was in a different one, causing it to not correctly get the gold, even though it believed it did
the light sensors were not working and subsequently were removed
getting the light sensors to work
this work help Fred understand where it was​, so it would not run off the board again
it would be able to correct itself when it was not straight

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