Fred the Robot
Minds & Machines Final Project

Bypass the Wumpus Avoid the black holes Reach the treasure!
The Puzzle
Starting in the bottom left corner, the robot moves through each square and accesses its surroundings. If it receives the number 0, there's nothing in any of the adjacent squares. If it receives the number 1, it means there's a breeze in one of the adjacent squares. A 2 means the wumpus is in an adjacent square. A 4 means the treasure is near. An 8 means the currently in the square with the gold. thus, the goal is to get to the square that gives that signal. By passing from one square to the next, known by the light sensors, the robot keeps a memory of which square is 0, and which squares are near other things, labeled safe. If a signal is received, it must backtrack tothe previous square. The robot stores how many times its gone to a certain square. The robot ocntinues its path by going to a square with the least amount of times.
The Hardware
To pass from one square to the next, Fred turns, then is given a certain amount of time to move for, which allows it to go from one square to the next. The light sensors are supposed to help with this, however, they were not correctly receiving and outputting the signal to help Fred orient, thus they were removed. The main aspect of the hardware is getting Fred to move and turn, which was thoroughly tested to get the correct time to have the motor run.